Tuesday, May 8, 2018
The 2018 ACCPA Pre-Conference Training will bring together ACCPA members, partners and experts, with a focus on how we can come together as a group and collaborate to help prevent crime in Alberta.
Delegates will have the option of attending one of three exciting new training sessions!
These valuable, in-depth workshops with industry leading facilitators will provide key insights and strategies in community safety giving you the tools and insight to address crime prevention in your community.
Pre-Conference Session 1
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) for Rural and Small Population Communities
This workshop, facilitated by the urban safety and engagement consultancy, Rethink Urban, will address both traditional and 2nd Generation CPTED concepts while introducing Placemaking as another key element that is mutually supportive. It will be conducted by introducing the various principles of each of these methodologies while using actual projects to demonstrate the potential for using these tools to create safe and compelling environments in small rural communities and settings. Methods of mobilizing participants to implement local CPTED strategies and create networks will also be highlighted. This training is designed with future workshops in mind for various rural communities throughout Alberta.
Rethink Urban co-creates communities with a desire to build strong foundations that support people, place and connection. The consultancy embraces the urban era and believes in possibilities. The Rethink Urban team collaborates with communities using an integral, consultative, interdisciplinary approach that is authentic and promotes our four pillars of discovery, wellness, creativity and transformation. The team has been providing specialized services to public and private sector clients across Canada since 1997. Rethink Urban has received awards from the International Downtown Association, the Canadian Institute of Planners, Alberta Justice, and the Health Care Public Relations Association for Canada, among others. Lorne Daniel is the Founder of Rethink Urban and the Victoria Placemaking Network. He is an award winning urban engagement and communications specialist and a writer. Steve Woolrich is the Principal of Rethink Urban Inc., and an award-winning Crime Prevention and Community Safety specialist serving clients in Alberta and BC since 1999.
Who should attend this session?
- Property owners, both residential and business
- Municipal and social profit leaders and administrators
- Provincial and federal policy makers and crime prevention practitioners
- Police and public safety professionals
- Elected officials, and community and neighbourhood leaders
Pre-Conference Session 2
Aligning Systems and Collaboration in Crime Prevention
This workshop, facilitated by the Canadian Municipal Network on Crime Prevention (CMNCP) aims to contribute to less crime and victimization in municipalities by creating an increased awareness of the importance of investing in upstream evidence based community safety strategies. Workshop participants will gain knowledge about how to increase the use of collaborative comprehensive community safety strategies. The workshop will identify general challenges, discuss how to use available tools and will explore additional methods and strategies. Topics will include: understanding the difference between crime prevention and community safety; lessons in collaboration; investing in prevention; and investing in crime prevention from a police perspective. The main outcome is for participants to receive the required tools, strategies and confidence to influence greater upstream investments in effective crime prevention.
The Canadian Municipal Network on Crime Prevention (CMNCP) is a community of practice created to build capacity and mobilize Canadian municipalities to prevent and reduce crime and foster community safety and well-being. CMNCP aims to increase investment in effective, evidence-based and collaborative crime prevention strategies in municipalities.
Who should attend this session?
- Police managers and executives
- Municipal and social profit leaders and administrators
- Provincial and federal policy-makers and practitioners of crime prevention
- Business and industry leaders
- Elected officials, community and neighbourhood leaders
Pre-Conference Session 3
Understanding, Recognizing, and Preventing Radicalization Leading to Violence
Facilitator: Roxane Martel-Perron, Alex Wood
This training session, delivered by the Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence will help public and private organizations, educators and others, understand the characteristics of different types of violent radicalization. The training will permit participants to recognize and understand behaviours and situations contributing to violent radicalization; enable participants to identify risk and protection factors for violent radicalization, while educating participants in appropriate attitudes, forms of intervention or administrative procedures for dealing with situations involving radicalization. Participants will receive a Certificate of Completion upon completion of the one-day program.
The Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence (CPRLV), which was created in March 2015 by the City of Montréal with support from the Québec Ministry of Public Security, and active involvement of community and institutional partners, is a pioneer in Canada and North America. It is the first independent non-profit organization aimed at preventing violent radicalization and providing support to individuals affected by the phenomenon.
Who should attend this session?
- Public and Private Organizations
- Front-line workers, including outreach professionals
- Education professionals
- Municipal and social profit leaders and administrators
- Provincial and federal practitioners and policy-makers
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TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2018
Registration & Networking Breakfast
Training Sessions Begin
Lunch Break
Training Sessions Continue
Training Sessions Complete
Group (3+)
(* See Note)
Pre- Conference
Training & Conference
(* See Note)
The Pre-Conference cost or portion thereof is for any one of the following Pre-Conference events. At time of registration please indicate your reservation for Session 1, 2 or 3.
Session 1 – Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) for Rural and Small Population Communities
Session 2 – Aligning Systems and Collaboration in Crime Prevention
Session 3 – Understanding, Recognizing, and Preventing Radicalization Leading to Violence
Group (3+)
(* See Note)
Pre- Conference
Training & Conference
(* See Note)
The Pre-Conference cost or portion thereof is for any one of the following Pre-Conference events. At time of registration please indicate your reservation for Session 1, 2 or 3.
Session 1 – Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) for Rural and Small Population Communities
Session 2 – Aligning Systems and Collaboration in Crime Prevention
Session 3 – Understanding, Recognizing, and Preventing Radicalization Leading to Violence

For more than 25 years Steve Woolrich has established a reputation for excellence in policing, corrections and corporate security and is the principal of Rethink Urban Inc. He is an expert in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and trained in SafeGrowth®. Steve has a keen interest in social issues and community development throughout Canada and abroad. He supports Restorative Approaches, Trauma-Informed Practice (TIP) and is a trained Peace Circle Facilitator. Steve is a collaborator and is drawn to organizations and leaders that are actively engaged in their communities. He is passionate about creating safe and healthy communities and neighbourhoods. Steve is a director with the Greater Victoria Placemaking Network, striving to help create safe and compassionate streets. He specializes in developing positive strategies for Gang Reduction and Graffiti Abatement and has made a personal commitment to creating engaging urban spaces by initiating Street Piano initiatives that continue to inspire other cities to ‘pick up the tune.’ Steve is an avid supporter of Arts and Culture and often uses his passion for creativity to enhance community projects such as Art Alley.
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) for Rural and Small Population Communities

Anna is a full-member of the Canadian Institute of Planners and Registered Professional Planner with the Alberta Professional Planning Institute. She has 14 years experience in the fields of strategic planning, SafeGrowth®, crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED), facilitation, facility planning, master planning and comprehensive community planning with First Nation communities. She spent 5 years as an Adjunct Assistant professor with the Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary supervising Master’s level theses and teaching graduate level students courses in facilitation and building safe communities. This included developing a new joint initiative – “People and Place” – between the faculties of Social Work and Environmental Design. She has conducted workshops across North America on SafeGrowth® to police, design professionals and community members.
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) for Rural and Small Population Communities

Brekke performs active research in cities and neighbourhoods to make sense of the organic, complex and networked systems of people and places they represent. A Master of Business Administration in Community Economic Development and Leadership from Cape Breton University informs her practice, along with a Professional Certification in Community Economic Development from Simon Fraser University, a Master of Arts and Integrated Studies in Global Change from Athabasca University, a yoga teaching certificate, and an 18-year career as a Systems Engineering Officer in Canada’s Navy—a journey that saw five urban centres as home and several foreign ports as ‘local.’
Brekke spends much of her time absorbing inspiration from the energetic co-workers at theDock – Centre for Social Impact.
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) for Rural and Small Population Communities

Felix is a professional consultant, expert facilitator and academic who empowers client success by aligning strategy, partners and innovation to achieve meaningful impact. He is a long-time advocate of cohesive, just, and inclusive communities. Prior to joining the Canadian Municipal Network on Crime Prevention, Felix worked as a psychiatric nurse, addiction counsellor, safe injection room and needle exchange staff, and manager at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in mental health and addiction. Felix also works as an adjunct professor in Community Psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University.
Aligning Systems and Collaboration in Crime Prevention

Jan has served as the Executive Director of REACH Edmonton Council for Safe Communities since 2011, where she has been privileged to lead a team of professionals dedicated to making Edmonton a safer community. REACH is a coordinating council that works closely with social agencies, businesses and citizens to invest in our community to make our city an even safer place to live, work and play. Previously, Jan worked as a senior Executive with the Correctional Service of Canada. She began her 30 year career with Corrections as a parole officer in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Jan was the first Warden at the Edmonton Institution for Women and is the founder of the organization Women in Police and Corrections. Jan was awarded the YWCA Lois E. Hole Lifetime Achievement Award in 2013. She was the proud recipient of the first Women of Vision Award in 1999. She was also awarded the Association of Professional Executives Partnership Award and the Institute of Public Administrators Team work award. Jan is an active member of the Rotary Club of Edmonton and leads the Rotary Aboriginal Partnership.
Aligning Systems and Collaboration in Crime Prevention

Roxane martel-perron is the training and skills development Team Leader at the Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence (CPRLV). She holds a Master’s in Administration Science, International Development and Humanitarian Aid Management, and is currently a Master’s student in Criminology at the University of Montreal, specializing in disengagment from extremist far-right groups. She also holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Studies from Laval University in partnership with the EGADE Business School (Mexico) and the University of Costa Rica. Roxane has a long-standing interest in violence and crime prevention, having collaborated with the United Nations, local and national governments, as well as NGOs such as the International Centre for the Prevention of Crime. She has developed and implemented prevention projects which deal with security sector reform, local safety audits, citizen consultation and the prevention of risk behaviours in schools in Canada, Latin America and North Africa.
Understanding, Recognizing, and Preventing Radicalization Leading to Violence

Alex Wood is a researcher at the Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence (CPRLV). He holds a Master’s degree in International Studies, jointly issued by Laval University, and the Institut d’Études Politiques (IEP) de Bordeaux, in addition to being a graduate of the University of Leeds in the UK, where he read History. Mr Wood’s interest for History also took him to the University of Toronto, where he studied the history of conflict. His contemporary research interests include non-state violence, hate crimes and incidents, as well as political extremism. Before joining the CPRLV, Alex worked on various projects at the Chaire de recherche sur les terrorismes et les extrémismes, based at Laval University.
Understanding, Recognizing, and Preventing Radicalization Leading to Violence

Joëlle Badman is the Education Program Manager with The Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative, where she manages the Building Connections: Police-Youth-Community Partnership for Extreme Violence Prevention, in addition to other educational initiatives focused on preventing the use and recruitment of child soldiers. Prior to joining the Dallaire Initiative, Joëlle worked as a Community Building Social Worker at the City of Edmonton where she worked on issues related to public safety and crime prevention, as well as on the development of a municipal-wide gender-based violence and sexual assault strategy. She has worked extensively with both NGO and public sectors across Canada, on local, provincial and international projects with a focus on public education and interdisciplinary practice. She holds a Master of Social Work with a specialization in International & Community Development from the University of Calgary.
Understanding, Recognizing, and Preventing Radicalization Leading to Violence
Help us to promote crime prevention through social development and increase your company’s profile among ACCPA members, partners and experts, by becoming a sponsor of the 2018 ACCPA Conference.
Each Sponsorship opportunity offers targeted promotional opportunities that have the potential to reach hundreds of members, attendees and partners before, during, and after the event.