Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council Virtual Speaking Series

The Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council has focused for many years on identifying and offsetting the root causes of crime. Moving forward we want to address the more foundational structures and harms under those root causes, moving upstream to the source, instead of treating the subsequent results farther downstream. What we mean when we talk about harm: Harm encompasses social, economic, psychological, and environmental injury or damage inflicted on individuals, communities and society either intentionally or unintentionally.

To watch the recordings of our previous events, please click the links below.

(Re)Think Crime… because it's not real

A provocative and challenging presentation that turns our concept of “crime” upside-down. Jessica Hutchison explores how “crime” and “criminalization” are social constructs and how we can move away from operating from a carceral (control and punishment) mentality in many aspects of society to upstream approaches that address social harms.

(Re)Think Our Stories: the reality of structural violence

“Structural violence refers to systematic ways in which social structures harm or otherwise disadvantage individuals.”  Panelists share the impact of structural violence on their experiences and communities.

(Re)Think Our Organizations: how we harm when me mean to help

Our panelists share how their systems have caused harm and what they are doing to make significant structural and cultural changes to address it and prevent future harm.

(Re)Think “Crime” Prevention through an upstream lens:

What does it mean to go “upstream”? Join our panelists as they discussed the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of creating the social conditions to support healthy and constructive relationships and behaviours where we work, play, learn, love and worship.