Restorative Justice – A Community Based Alternative to the Traditional Justice System, And it Really WORKS

What is Restorative Justice?

"Restorative Justice is a new way of thinking about crime and criminal justice.

It emphasizes  the way in which  crime hurts relationships between people who live in a community. Crime is seen as something done against a victim and the community - not simply as a violation against the state. Crime may be any wrong that weakens relationships between people or harms community living.  In restorative justice, the offender becomes accountable to those he or she has harmed. Justice is done for victims, victimized communities and offenders".


Innisfail Restorative Justice

J.J. Beauchamp, Program Co-ordinator ( 403) 227 4156 ( 403) 350 5290


R.C.M.P Innisfail 403 227 3342

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